
Maine  Coon Cat Calendar

Animal Posters
Cat Posters

Kitten Posters

Iams Dry Cat Food

Cat Gifts

Cat Collectibles

Cat Chat


Welcome to the "Abyssinian Web Ring" Home Page!

Adult sites are not allowed

If you have an aby on your site, by all means, JOIN!  We welcome all pet owners, catteries and anyone with an aby on their page.  Sites will be checked and if inappropriate material is included in your site, your link will not be allowed in the ring.  All sites must be "G" rated, suitable for viewing by children.

Please don't submit sites that are under construction or that only contain links.

How to join the ring

  1. Submit your information using the following form
  2. Copy the HTML code that is shown after you have submitted your details.  Yahoo has a new navigation bar that replaces the old HTML fragments.  Once you have set up a Yahoo ID, adding rings to your site becomes very simple, use the same URL for all your rings and the navigation bar is automatically updated when you join new rings!
It is that simple. Once I have verified that the navigation bar is on your web page I will add you to the ring.
Please note that you have 2 weeks to do this, otherwise you are automatically removed from the queue and you will have to resubmit your details. 

Current Members

If you are already a member of the web ring and wish to change your details, go to and log in with your Yahoo! ID.  All your rings will be listed with an edit button.

Please visit our new Cat Educuation site, Cat-ucation

Are you interested in showing cats?  Join our Cat Show Mentors mailing list and ask questions to find out what it takes.


Photos from NYC
9-11-2001 and beyond

The New Skyline

Click here to buy this on T-shirts and bags and to support the Red Cross

How you can help

Ring Mistresses Home Page

Ring Mistresses Maine Coon Home Page

Online Shopping

Please visit our new Cat Education site, Cat-ucation

Are you interested in showing cats?  Join our Cat Show Mentors mailing list and ask questions to find out what it takes.

[Family Page][My Grandson!]
Disclaimer:  Not all the cats pictured on this web site still live with us!!!  Most have lived with us at some point, but most have been a part of our breeding program and have moved on. I felt it was important to show the "cats behind the cats" that we have now and that have been part of our cats heritage and our lives.

Animal Posters
Cat Posters

Kitten Posters

Questions,  Comments? Send to


This web site and all photographs are copyrighted by the respective photographers and may not be copied or used in any way without permission. Unless otherwise noted all photos on this website are © 1999-2001 Deborah Carney All rights reserved.
Revised: April 21, 2002 .