Add your pedigree database and pedigree links on your web page to our new links directory. There are links to pedigree databases, pedigree programs available online and cattery links. 

Pedigree Links

Pedigree Databases
bulletHibou Cats Search Page 
bulletSearch the Maine Coon Database

Page listing maine coons  older than 15 years old - Methuselahs

For more info on Maine Coons and linechasing follow the links below:
bullet Subscribe to the Maine Coon Line Chasers Mailing List
bulletSubscribe to a general discussion list about maine coons.
bulletSubscribe to Catshow-Mentors, an email list for people who want to learn how to show cats or who want to help others learn.
bulletOther mailing lists we moderate

Recommended reading about Maine Coons, showing and health care. 

To recommend books to be included in this section send an email to mclc@loxly.com and put Recommended Reading in the subject line. Please give a review of the book you are recommending in your email along with title and author. Or go to the Cat-ucation site and submit your review with our online form to be entered in a drawing for an Amazon gift certificate and get a link to your web site at the end of your review.


Maine Coon International Magazine